New Recording Studio Desk

As you may know, I recently sold my old studio desk. It worked well but was just too big and ended up not fitting my needs as well as I thought it would. It now has a new loving home in another recording studio. My new one is much simpler and will be more portable and easier to move around the studio. I’m also keeping the rack separate so I can wheel it closer to the drums so I can adjust levels from behind the kit.
The rack on the desk (right under the monitors) won’t be added until later. I’m going to see if I like having the open space first and decide if I even want to incorporate that. I like the idea of a cleaner, simpler workspace.
As you can see, the old desk was pretty big, but it had three different equipment racks which kept things pretty much all contained. The entire desk could be wheeled around and the only cables coming out of it (besides for musical equipment) was a single power cable and an ethernet cable.
The new one is very similar in design. At this point I’ve got it ready to stain and finish before assembly.
This one is going to also have tougher casters since the old ones couldn’t hand;e the weight and got flat spots on them as a result.
New Dust Collector

I sold my old dust collector and got the smaller wall-mount version seen in the above picture. My goal for the year is to make room in my shop. The first step was to build the cymbal cart. Next was getting a different dust collector.
My old dust collector (seen here) had a chip separator as well. I loved having the chip separator but it took up so much room. I ended up selling to someone which brings me to my next point…
New Friends
The person I sold my old dust collector to is Cindy over at . She’s got a great little shop that is growing quickly and needs some good dust collection before things start getting too messy.
I’ve also made some friends online through the SawStop Users’ Group, over on FaceBook.
I even met a bandmate because his son had a finger save on a SawStop. I met him at Rockler and we eventually got talking about music. It turns out he lives really close to me and plays keyboard and guitar.
My favorite part of my job is meeting new people, many of which have become friends. I find that woodworkers love to share with each other. I’ve learned from so many great people who have been generous with their time and knowledge. It makes me happy to be able to pay that back by doing the same for others. We’re all learning, and we never stop learning.
If you have any questions or just want to talk shop, feel free to contact me through any of the social media links located somewhere on this page (I tend to move them around).
Great post. But some of the photos (the two of the desks and one of the dust collector) are half the width of the others, and they look like they’ve been compressed horizontally in a way that you probably didn’t intend. I thought you were joking when I read “As you can see, the old desk was pretty big…” Making the page wider doesn’t help. I looked at the page in both Safari and Chrome and got the same result.
Anyway, keep it up.