One of the perks of working where I do is the metal dumpster. I try to regularly swing by and see what we are throwing out each week and lately I have found a lot of the heavy-duty angle-iron we use for fence rails. They have holes drilled in them and have a powder-coating which isn’t a big deal to me.

I’m starting a new project which is going to be a somewhat industrial looking coffee table. If this works out well, I’ll make a few other matching tables to go with it. I’m going to use this angle-iron to build the body of it and the top will be walnut planking. The first thing I need to do is trip off the powder-coating.
There are several ways to remove powder-coating but I decided to try a chemical remover this time. Specifically, I used Rust-oleum Aircraft Remover. This is some pretty potent stuff.

After about 10 minutes it started to dissolve the powder-coating so I could scrape it off.

It didn’t remove all of it so I had to take a wire wheel to it but I eventually got it all cleaned off.

I’ll be posting an article detailing the entire process. Maybe I’ll even do a how-to video.