Bullnose Live Center
I’m needing a bullnose live center for my lathe. I found a version by OneWay at my local Rockler that may work but it is insanely expensive. I was going to simply make my own but then I found one that appears to be what is commonly referred to as a Harbor Freight Gem. It can be viewed here: https://www.harborfreight.com/mt2-bullnose-live-center-40090.html. Let me know if you have any experience with this live center or any other. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
I’m going to be using this to make smaller percussion items such as shakers and rainsticks on my lathe.
New Music Project
I’ve started up a new music project with a local guitarist which is going to be a lot of experimentation. I’ve played with him before and we really clicked but the project we were both involved with just didn’t work out. My plate’s pretty full but this is the one I’m most excited about. I’ll be posting recordings and updates from this project as it evolves.